Tuesday, February 1, 2022

Welcoming February


Today, we turn the calendar to February.  Which, if you are like me, you love February because of Valentine’s Day candy!  Who doesn’t love a month dedicated to chocolate?  Also, did you know that February 8th is, “National Iowa Day”?  The things you learn in these Morning Meditations are endless!!


February is often connected to love, which is a theme and thread from January.  I also think that love is the way to be in a VUCA world.  When everything else is spinning and swirling and won’t submit to easy six-step solutions, love can ground and guide us.  This week I want us to explore love through the hymn, Love Divine, All Loves Excelling. 


Sing/pray with me the very first week…go ahead and sing at the top of your voice.


Love divine, all loves excelling,
joy of heav’n, to earth come down,
fix in us thy humble dwelling,
all thy faithful mercies crown.
Jesus, thou art all compassion,
pure, unbounded love thou art.
Visit us with thy salvation;
enter ev'ry trembling heart.


I love that that third line, “Fix in us thy humble dwelling.”  Those six words invite us to every day make room for Christ’s presence to take up residence within us.  My deepest prayer for God to dwell in me and me to dwell in God.  The Gospel of John uses the word, “abide,” which is where we also get the word, “abode” or “home”.  We make room for Jesus not just during December or on Christmas Eve ~ rather we do this every day, and each new month (like today) is an opportunity and opening to realign and recommit ourselves to this work. 


What about you?  Which line of the above hymn do you find most meaningful?  How about line five that Jesus is compassion?  Compassion means to suffer or struggle with someone.  Christ is with us in the valley moments of life.  That is a good word for this first day of a new month.  We will continue to listen to other verses of this hymn this week.  For today, sing the above verse many times ~ as a mantra.  For today, sing these words before every meal.  For today, carry these words letting them guide you wherever and whatever you do.


Prayer: God of joy that swirls, compassion that comforts, and love that receives us just as we are; let Your presence be the music and soundtrack of our life every day this week and this month.  Amen.

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