Wednesday, February 16, 2022

Singing Praises take Two


We continue with the second verse of our hymn of the week, Praise to the Living God:

Praise to the living God, from whom all things derive,

Whose Spirit formed upon this sphere the first faint seeds of life;

Who caused them to evolve, unwitting toward God’s goal.

Till humankind stood on the earth, as living, thinking souls.

Notice the reference to the Spirit who plotted and planned and planted the ‘first faint seeds of life’.  I wonder what seeds are growing in your soul in such a time as this?  Here we are at the mid-point of February.  If you rewind and review what has happened so far in 2022, what new insights or ideas are forming?  What are you reading?  What is stirring in your imagination?

Or on this day in February, return to our January questions:

What are you searching for?

What is filling your life?

Where is your edge of unknowingness? 

How is the well of your life being replenished/refreshed?  Are there ways you are replenishing or refreshing another’s well? (Remember living water is both fed and feeds – you both receive and give!).

I pray today you might pay attention and be aware of the seeds of life that are springing forth with you.  May this hymn continue to be a soundtrack to your life this week.


Prayer: Planting, nurturing, nourishing God, help me pay attention to Your presence as the Holy Gardener of my life.  I pray you will continue to till, water, patiently wait, and care for me.  I also pray that I may appreciate how I am planted in a bigger garden.  I am not a solo plant alone…but my roots are caught up in a web of mutual connectivity with those at church, in the community, family and friends.  Praise to You, O God, from whom all things in me and around me derive.  Amen.

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