Tuesday, January 4, 2022

Morning meditation Tuesday


Today, I invite you to read one of my favorite quotes below by Luci Shaw

"There is always a gap between present reality and future potential. A gift unwrapped has never been truly received. And uncashed check cannot be spent. A bridge that spans a raging river is useless to us unless we begin to advance across it. The divide between earth and heaven, between us and God, is one that only Jesus Christ could reconnect. He is our link to life and eternity— a bridge to be stepped onto so that it bears our whole weight as we cross the space from one side to the other."


There is such wisdom in these words. 


Where do you feel a gap in your own life between present reality and what you sense could be?  Name that!

Where is there a gap in our church or world?  I realize those gaps between what is and could be in those settings might be larger than the Grand Canyon! 

What gift have you been given that is left unopened?  This could be the gift of self-compassion or gift of forgiving your past self or the gift of God’s grace that you don’t feel like you have earned.  By the way, we can’t ever earn grace ~ it is always a gift ~ but it is a gift we need to open and re-open and re-open multiple times every day. 

What bridge do you want to cross this year, but don’t feel like you have the courage?


I invite you to re-read this quote several times.  I would love to talk to you more about how this wisdom might guide you this week, this month, and the rest of this year!


Please pray with me: God of this messy moment still unfurling and unfolding into what might be; God who gives us grace that we sometimes don’t unwrap and fills us with love that we are not sure we deserve; You call us into the unknown-ness of this New Year.  Though the voices may cry with fear and the monsters of discord gnash their terrible teeth, with each breath may we sense Your sustaining strength that calls us to be Your good news to ourselves and others.  Let Your presence and love grant me wisdom and courage and to be love in the world today.  Amen. 

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