Friday, January 14, 2022

Loving Self


As we wrap up and wind down this week of diving into and dwelling with the words of Jesus to love God, love others, and love yourself, what is stirring within you?  Can you name a new insight or “aha!” moment?  I wonder what connections you made from day to day or what new directions you are starting to explore?  What are some concrete ways you can love yourself? 


My heartfelt prayer is that you don’t stop just because we reached Friday!  My heartfelt prayer is that you continue to find ways to both express and encounter love that sustains you and reminds you who and whose you are.  You are God’s beloved, continually formed and fashioned into the image of God.  You are more than your to-do list or accomplishments or balance in your bank account or awards that you have to dust on your shelf.  You are enough.  May this truth and Christ’s clear call to love yourself continue to prayerfully percolate in your soul for countless days to come. 


With great love to you all!

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