Friday, January 28, 2022

Friday Prayer


A prayer for this last Friday of January 2022

Loving-flowing, life-giving, and life-changing God; in You we find our passion and purpose.  In You we find our curiosity and creativity.  In You we find possibility and promise and potential that we can never exhaust or fully explore in our lifetime.  Continue to let Your love guide and ground our lives.  Grant us wisdom to let Your love into our hearts, roam around our lives, and even rearrange our minds.  Let Your love be the fuel that feeds our actions and words.  Continue to call and challenge us to be love in this world.  To see moments when we can let loose Your love with another.  Continue to invite us to be extravagant with love.  We pray that just because we turn the calendar to February, we won’t leave behind the truths of January 2022.  The seeds that have been sown in the soil of our souls still need time and space to grow, take root, and before we can begin to harvest right now.  Help us tend the seeds of love for You, for others, and especially for ourselves.  Help us receive Your love, notice how others offer affirmation and affection, and how holy love permeates and persists within the well of our soul.  Take our lives and let them be; part of the Beloved Community; take this moment and this day; so that Your truth might have the final say.  All this we pray in the name of the One who embraced and embodied love, showing us the way to be love, Jesus the Christ.  Amen.    

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