When we last left off, I was on my way to Balance Rock…to have a moment of God’s grace and start a new chapter.
No, the above photo is not balance rock. But it was on the trail to balance rock. You need to know that there were NO trail markers on the way to balance rock. There was not a paved path that told me which way to go amid the wilderness. So, (you saw this coming, right?) I got lost. Hopelessly, lost. I am off in the wilderness wandering around like Moses. I got turned around. The fight, flight, freeze part of my brain starts saying unhelpful things like, “Well, this is another fine mess you’ve gotten us into.” Lost, wandering, and turned around.
Lost - like you may have felt recently…or every day for the past two years. This is a parable for life.
Since this is a religious post you can feel free to say, “Amen.”
I am determined (or stubborn or
“pig-headed” as my grandma would say) to find Balance Rock. I keep going.
I won’t turn around. I won’t surrender,
even as my legs are tired. Eventually I heard voices, not like heavenly voices, it just other
hikers. So, I followed the sound. And wait for it…wait for it.
I found balance rock!!
What would it mean
if all our searching and seeking, all our finding, focusing, and framing at its
heart is really a series of getting lost and then found? What if it is only by the grace of God that
any of us are able to get back on the trail?
What if we realize that where we are at right now is a view from one
point? How might that shift the balance
of the world in a way that could bring about the realm of God?
May those question
sit and stir with you in these days.
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