Tuesday, November 30, 2021

Advent Hope Part Two


This week we are centering in on the word, “Hope.”  We are lighting a candle bravely and boldly shine with hope before us.  We are courageously calling that one single, solitary, fragile, flickering flame of energy, “Hope”. 


What did you notice about your sitting with hope yesterday? 

Did spending time tending and paying attention to “Hope” help you notice traces of grace?

Did your brain go into overdriving trying to point out all the reasons such exercises are futile?


One of the suggestions in our Advent Devotion, “A Less is More Christmas” is to create a Christmas playlist.  I would like us to do that together today.


In the comment section you can name ONE or TWO Christmas/holiday selections that fill you with hope kind of music.


I will start with my favorite, “O Little Town of Bethlehem.”  I especially love the line, “The hopes and fears of all the years are met in thee tonight.”  How God in Christ Jesus can hold all that we pray for and all that we are afraid of.  This is good news and gospel medicine to my soul.


Now, your turn.  Remember ~ one or two.  The fun part of this is that in our collaboration is we can inspire hope in each other. 


Bonus exercise ~ listen to each other’s favorite music and write a short email/text/message to the person of gratitude for the connection!

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