Tuesday, October 5, 2021

God's Calling ~ Prayer Practice


How did the exploration of your life go last night?  Did you pause before you closed your eyes to rewind the tape of the day in your life titled, “October 4, 2021”?  Did you look through the moments, minutes, hours, and all that was experienced within the container of yesterday? 

If not, it is not too late.  Pause now.  Breathe in the breath of God.  Close your eyes.  Picture what you had for breakfast yesterday.  Did you taste manna from heaven in your pumpkin-flavored English muffin (remember, I love all things pumpkin)?  Did you sense God mid-morning as you went to the grocery store?  Did you feel a bit worn down by the afternoon, closing your eyes for a few moments of rest and renewal?  Did the holy help wake you up refreshed?  What about dinner time?  How did your wind down and wrap up your day?  Or were there moments of frustration, fear, and feeling worn down? 

This prayer practice is a wonderful way for you to keep track of moments in your life.  This is a great way each day to notice and name where we feel alive and where we feel worn down and weary.  We like to think that our mind is like a state-of-the-art camera capturing everything.  But there are so many filters on our mental camera.  Filters of emotions, our brains processing ~ sometimes projecting, the spiritual soul which is shy trying to offer a few thoughts, other people’s interpretations.  No one really teaches or tells us how to process all that is in us.  Plus, for many, we were taught not to listen or lean in to our lives.  We were taught and caught that the better script in life is the one given to us by the culture, by others, and we have no choice in following that narrative.

When we take time to explore our life, we are opening ourselves to the foundation and formational truth ~ you are created in God’s image.  Yet, God’s image is under layers of others expectations and social media posts and the divisiveness that hangs in the air we breathe.  To step into a sacred space of looking at our life is a vital way to let God get a word in edgewise.  To unfold and unfurl like a flower ~ to use the image from Sunday’s sermon ~ each day.

Prayer: Speaking and sending God, as You called out to Abraham and Sarah on an ordinary day in their lives, help me listen for Your holy prompting on this Tuesday.  Amen.

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