Tuesday, October 19, 2021

Calling as a Nudge


Yesterday, we continued to reflect upon Samuel’s call.  We honored his confusion as speaking to our lives in these days.  We recognized that we can be in a hurry (physically, mentally, and spiritually) missing God’s prompting.  We confessed that the church has not always taught practices for listening for God, discerning the Divine’s guidance.  We named that we live in a world of endless opportunities!  For example, I receive at least one email a day asking me to join a “new, amazing, best-ever” online study opportunity.  Everyone has found Zoom and invites us to join. 


Yet, there are many times I long for clear answers from God.  I long for neon lights to tell me how to pastor in a world that has so much fear, hurt, hate, self-centered-ness, and driven by money.  I long to find words that might compel and challenge and change the hearts.  If I could just have God’s five-month (or five-day) plan for my life.  I will accept God’s wisdom via email, text, phone call, or even fax!!


Maybe God’s calling isn’t some finish line I cross or item I can check off - moving from my to-do to my to-done list.  Maybe calling isn’t a linear or logical list.  Maybe God’s calling isn’t something I possess/control or understand or can ever know fully.  Maybe built and baked into calling is not a super-highway that is smooth sailing, but calling is discovered through wrong turns, missed exits, and the GPS of my soul recalculating when I get lost!  Maybe a calling is not about my control or crafting a five-year plan with God’s seal of approval.  In fact, I may not ever be able to comprehend more than a few steps.  As I have heard it said that if we knew more than the next few steps, we would be so overwhelmed by the journey, we may not start.  God says, “Go where I send thee!” (To quote the great spiritual!).  And God says, “I will go with you.”  The promise wasn’t just something tactile, tangible, to be put on a to-do list, the promise was presence.  God’s presence.  God’s witness to with-ness.  God’s stirring and showing up in serendipitous ways. 


Where is God’s nudge for you today?  You will need to keep the prayer posture and practice of listening.  Where is that place curiosity is calling you to explore even when you can’t explain it to others?  What is that holy on the horizon that is softly whispering that you don’t have to have it all figured out.  Go.  Go to share God’s light.  Go to learn by faithful fumbles.  Remember, Samuel didn’t get it right the first few times, but our persistent and patient God continued to call him.  I trust that God is never one and done with us, rather God continually reaches out to our minds, hearts, and whole lives to respond, “Here I am, God.”

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  God of words and wisdom that confound and comfort us, sometimes we feel both puzzled and want to praise at the same time, thank you for th...