Thursday, September 30, 2021

God's Calling


As September winds down and wraps up, I invite you to continue to hold your list of fascinations and fears lightly.  I invite you to continue to revise, edit, add, or even remove some curiosities from you list.  Your life is like a river that flows.  You have energy that is moving you in certain directions.  There are honest fears or concerns which can be an obstacle, like rocks or trees or even dams in a river.  Like an electrical current that can power my stove to let lose my inner Julia Childs in the kitchen, there are moments when I will be covered in flour, or my cookies will fall flat. 


To keep noticing prayerfully the both/and of life with our curiosity and concerns.  So, where is that burning bush like Moses you want to look at something in fascination and also turn away from because you know this is holy ground.  Where do you sense God is calling you like Jeremiah, but not sure you have the knowledge or strength or wherewithal?  Where do you resist, like Jonah going, even as the divine beckons? 


Whether it was the lists from Monday and Tuesday or you found the quadrant exercise yesterday helpful; you are doing the work of letting your life speak and sing to you.  For today, rest in God’s grace knowing this is holy work in a time such as this.


Prayer: Thank you, O God, that You have never stopped crafting, creating, and calling us to be Your people.  Thank you, O God, for the sparks of fascination.  Thank you, even O God, for the concerns for those remind me that something is at stake here…my fears suggest that following my fascinations is important to me.  I pray for You, O God, to divinely dance in my midst giving me strength to explore where my soul is leading.  Amen.

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