Wednesday, September 15, 2021

God's Calling ~ Knowing God's Name


This week we are holding and exploring ways we encounter, experience the Divine.  We have brought close to our hearts God who is Eternal Spirit, Earth-maker, Pain-bearer, and Life-giver.  Now we turn toward:

Source of all that is and that shall be.

God was, is, and will always be woven into human history.  This is true not only in the good times, but also in the not so great.  This is true not only in our individual life, but in our shared communal, collective life.  Look back in the rearview mirror of the past month, where and when have you encountered God?  Look around right now, where and how do you sense God moving?  Look toward the unknown future, where do you pray God’s presence might show up in life-giving ways?

I also appreciate naming God as the Source.  Notice the name in this prayer is not “Cause”.  Source means that God’s presence can be found always.  There is nowhere God is not.  Yet, not every experience, event, or encounter is aligned and reflective of God’s will for this world.  The daily news you read this morning testified to that truth.  God’s will is for flourishing and thriving for all creation.  God’s will is for Holy love to be let loose.  God’s will is for us to continue move toward the vision of Revelation where all people and all creation find life under the twin trees where the leaves are for the healing of the nations (Revelation 22:2).

I also believe that the more we can return to the Source, the more we can be renewed and refreshed.  I write these daily devotionals each morning that you would be saturated by the Source of life ~ to bath and be drenched by the Divine. 

What other ways do you find you can wade in the water of the Source ~ Creator ~ Imagineer of all that is and will be?  I invite you to name these in the comments today.

May the Source of this moment and each moment today infuse you, especially when life goes off the rails or the pain comes for an unannounced/unwelcome visit.  Amen.

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