Tuesday, September 7, 2021

Calling Part 1


Yesterday, we celebrated Labor Day.  In the coming days and weeks, we will focus on the topic of calling.


Wait, you may say, callingMe


Maybe you thought calling was only for those of us with pieces of paper on our walls given by seminaries.  But I believe, as did Martin Luther in the Reformation of the 1500s, in the priesthood/ministry of all people.  You have a calling. 

I believe your calling can change in life.

I believe your calling can have seasons of growth and moments of dormancy/Sabbath or rest.

I believe your calling lasts from your first breath to your last ~ there is no finish line where you have accomplished and achieved your calling. 

I believe as author Parker Palmer writes, “From the beginning, our lives lay down clues to selfhood and vocation, though the clues may be hard to decode.  Who am I?  What is my nature?  Whose am I?” (from the great book Let Your Life Speak).

Today, I wonder if you would put on your Sherlock Holmes detective hat and listen/let your life speak to you.  What clues have been woven into the fabric of your life?  When have you felt most alive and awake this last year?  When do you lose track of time and think, “I could do this forever!”.  Your life is a canvas, an art project, and an invitation to be who God is crafting/creating/never finished. 

I celebrate your calling and pray that in the days and weeks to come we might explore how you, like Moses, are on holy ground.  Just as God called Moses to a new life (and did so late in Moses’ life!), God is inviting you to be part of what God is up to in the world today.

Prayer: God of burning bushes and blazing love, open me like Moses to You in the midst of my life right here and now.  Amen.

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