Monday, August 9, 2021

Morning Meditation


Last week, we centered our hearts around the question, “How are you really doing?”  We intentionally turned our attention toward four dimensions: mentally, physically, emotionally, and spiritually.  Each of these have a voice in responding to how we are in the moment ~ a place at the table.  Each contribute to the internal “weather pattern of our soul”.  This week, I invite us into a prayer practice of a body scan. 

This is a wonderful affirmation that you are created in God’s image (Genesis 1:27); that every single cell/atom/particle of you has been and still is being formed/fashioned by God’s fingers (Genesis 2:7).  God breathes the breath of life into you from the top of your head to the tip of our pinkie toe. 

To begin a body scan, it is best to be in a comfortable seated position.  You want your back straight and shoulders relaxed ~ this takes practice!  This is not a natural position for us.  We carry so much tension in our backs, shoulders, and jaws.  This is especially true when we are trying something new – like a body scan prayer – and want to get it “right”.  Please try to settle in, trusting that however you are able to be in a relaxed and engaged position is correct.

Now, do a long exhale.  Just as we carry too much tension in our bodies, our breathing is often shallow most of the time.  A long exhale can get all the carbon dioxide out of your lungs.  Now, you are ready to drink in a deep inhale of breath.  I find it helpful to quite my monkey mind by counting rhythmically.  Inhale to the count of five, hold gently, and exhale to the count of seven or eight.  When your exhale is longer than your inhale, the one simple practice to reset your mind.

When ready, slowly and without judgement check in with your mind.  Notice the thoughts stirring there.  Has your mind been like a hamster on a wheel, spinning – racing – running already this morning?  Softly say to those thoughts, “I hear you.”  When ready, slowly move to your jaw and mouth.  Is your jaw tight/tense?  Have a number of words already fallen from your lips or has it been a quiet morning?  When ready, slowly move on to your shoulders.  Notice the muscles there and softly say, “I hear you.”  When ready, slowly move on to your chest and especially your heart, paying attention to what is being communicated from this central part of you.  When ready, slowly onto your stomach and core, leaning in to that intuition part of yourself.  When ready, slowly move down to your legs and your feet.  Where have you already traveled today?  Have your tasted heaven while still touching earth?

Checking in with your whole body, from top to bottom, is a wonderful affirmation of who and whose you are.  You can try this several times each day and I pray this will be another prayer practice for your spiritual toy box to engage in meaningful and life-giving ways this week.

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