Friday, July 23, 2021



Whew, we made it through another week.  You sailed the ship of your life through moments of smooth waters and chaotically churning waves crashing down.  You interacted with people who made you laugh, some whose words hurt, some who frustrated or even awoke anger, and some whose presence demonstrated the “unconditional” truth of God’s love.  Every week is full, to overflowing, with God’s presence and promise.  So often, I miss God’s abiding in me because I am caught up in my agenda, to-do list, and plans.  I’m abiding/trusting in myself rather than God’s wisdom and presence.

Today, I invite you to breath.  Take in a deep gulp of breath that reaches and refreshes every part of your being.  Exhale out all that is unresolved sitting within you.  Breathe God’s presence.  Breathe out the unprocessed pain that sits within you no matter how much energy to try to take the sting out of that wound/hurt.  Breathe in God.  Breathe out the honest, heartfelt ways you have felt distant from the Divine.

So much goes on with the highways of our hearts, the encounters and experiences of life, we need space every day to remember who and whose we are.  Don’t rush on to the next task.  Rather reside here with God knowing that grace and love are abundantly and immeasurably right where you are in this moment. 

Prayer: Holy One continue to go before me, beside me, behind me, and within me, for I need Thee every hour and minute this week.  In the name of the One who promised his presence always, Jesus the Christ.  Amen. 

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