Friday, June 11, 2021

Lord's Prayer


Our hymnal opens with thirty-nine hymns labeled, “God”.  We have covered six this week.  So, deep breath, let’s look at the other thirty-three now.

Just kidding.

Today, I want you to choose the hymn that speaks to you.  You could randomly flip through the pages until you land on a hymn.  You could start with 1, because all week you were wondering, “Why is Wes jumping around so much?!”  You could look at other hymnals.  You could be radical and see what happens when you venture in to hymns beyond the first thirty-nine, because hymn number 345 might just have something to say about the Divine even though it doesn’t have the word, “God” in the upper corner.



Encounter the elasticity and evolving embrace of the Eternal in the words of our hymnal letting what you read or sing here move how you pray the Lord’s Prayer.

Prayer: God of rainbows and fiery pillars, God who soars where eagles fly, we your people and with You we journey, help shape us and call us to expand our relationship with You and each other in these days. Amen.

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  God of words and wisdom that confound and comfort us, sometimes we feel both puzzled and want to praise at the same time, thank you for th...