Wednesday, May 5, 2021

Letting the Easter Light In


How did your list of naming and noticing your cloud of witnesses go yesterday?  Did you discover some names of people whose quiet support meant the world?  Did you recognize people whose force in your life was not for good?  It is amazing how our brains create a soundtrack of the negative voices and can dismiss the positive ones so quickly.  Why is that?  Why do we let the cynic and critic be seen as more intelligent than the compassion and caring ones?  We have the power to lean in and listen, to decide what we give authority to.  We do have a choice which voices have veto power on our words or actions.

So, today, I want you think of one moment from yesterday.

Being stuck in traffic.

Going to the doctor, dentist.

Standing in a store.

Talking to a friend.

A real, embodied experience.  Next, write a one-page story as a pessimist about that experience.  You could start, “The heat rose from the engine of my car and the engine of my soul as I was late for my appointment.  ‘Of course,’ I thought!  ‘This always happens to me.’  I fiddled with the radio to distract me from my frustration.  I checked my mail.  I fidgeted as I fumed that if it wasn’t for bad luck, I wouldn’t have any luck at all.” 

You get the idea.  Let loose with your inner critic.  You might even want to name your inner critic, give him/her a face and a body and a personality. 

Now, I want you to tell the same story as if God was at work in your life.  You could start, “I am always saying, I need to slow down.  Quit rushing and running everywhere.  Life isn’t a race to be won, there is no metal at the end of the day for crossing everything off my to-do list.  So, here I am stuck in traffic.  No better time than the present to try out that prayer practice of paying attention.  God, is there something I need to hear?  I fiddle with the radio and the song comes on that soothes my soul.  I sit there wrapped in the warm of a melody like a warm blanket.  I am no longer frustrated but fascinated stir within me.  I realize that I could have missed this song if I too quickly pushed the next preset button on my radio.”

I hope you get the idea here.  Moreover, I hope you have fun with this playful and prayer activity.

May the God who stories, co-authors/co-creates, the art project called, “Your life” stir within you today.

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