Friday, April 23, 2021

Letting the Easter Light In


The final phrase of the passage we have been living with this week proclaims, preaches “You are witnesses of these things.”

Pause with me, what is your life witnessing to right now?

How have your words shared God’s Easter light of love this week?

Where has the shadow side sometimes insisted that it’s interpretation is the right one, the only one?

Where were you gracious and with whom did you hold back?

To witness to others isn’t just about testifying to Jesus or sharing your faith.  You witness in your conversations with others.  You witness in your social media posts.  You witness with your calendar (see the post from yesterday).  You witness with your checkbook and credit card.  You witness with showing up in prayerful ways to God.  You witness in sitting silently with a friend who is suffering, struggling, and searching.  You witness physically, emotionally, spiritually all the time.  You witness in being honest about doubts and disbelieving.  You witness in moments of sharing joy.  You witness in bringing a Tupperware casserole to someone.  You witness when you receive someone else’s love in the form of a casserole left on your doorstep.

You are witnessing right now.  Rewind and review your week.  Not with guilt or looking only for the boneheaded mistakes, but also the blessings – both are there from these past five days.

May the Easter light of God’s love enter in showing you, blessing you, opening you to witness incarnationally – in your life – in these days.  Amen.

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