Friday, April 16, 2021

Letting the Easter Light In


Today, rather than any more words or assignments or invitations; I want to give you space to breathe.  I invite you to reflect on the ways you have experienced and encountered the Easter light so far.  Remember, Easter is about more than chocolate and good vibes/times.  Easter can be baffling and bewildering.  Easter can sound like an idle tale.  Easter can be moments of feeling wounded and wondering at the marvel of the mystery of life.  Easter is about the complex, sometimes contradictory, feelings.  Amen to that after this week.  After a week of violence - including a police shooting and a mass shooting last night at the FedEx facility.  After a week of more polarizing politicizing and posturing of who has power.  After a week of more ranting on social media.  After a week when our souls can feel weary and worn out.  To let the Easter light in does not mean we dismiss or discount the pain.  Jesus shows his woundedness to the disciples on Easter Eve (spoiler alert for the scripture reading this Sunday!).  

You may today want to take yourself on a walk.  Feel the ground beneath the soles of your feet and feel the grace supporting our soul.  Enter into with all that is unresolved and undone from this past week, trusting in God who meets us in the incompleteness with a wholeness we need.  Show up and open up trusting as the truth of Cleopas that Christ meets us on the road ways of life.

Try to listen to a soundtrack of God's love for you.

Try to let God's grace enfold and hold you.

Try to listen for ways you might let loose God's love to others.

The invitation to be “You” is not an item on your to-do list to check off.  You are a mystery to explore and experience in these Easter days. 

Prayer: God saturate and soak me this day with the light of love I need always.  Amen.

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