Thursday, March 4, 2021

The Melody of Lent


This is the fourth day of Yiruma ministering to us through his music; opening our hearts to see what flows from us.  On Monday, I gave you this prayer practice:

·        First, listen one time through the entire piece.  Pay attention to any emotion that is evoked or provoked from the piece.

·        Second, listen again, this time you may want to imagine a story that goes along with this piece of music – or write down words that stir and swirl in response.  One day this week, you may want to get out your crayons or colored pencils connecting your hand to the melody of the music.

·        Third, enter a period of silence.  Attend, pay attention to the reverberations of both the music of Yiruma and the response from your soul sit side-by-side.  What awakens within your awareness of this moment? 

The piece from Yiruma today is entitled, May Be.  I invite you to click on the link above and enter prayerfully and purposefully into this time.

Sometimes I see the title of this piece is written, May Be.  Other times I see the piece title written, Maybe.  I love that both titles invoke and provoke something in my soul.  Maybe, as in I am not sure or certain.  And may be as in a promise that is just beginning to wake up and not yet fully realized.  Maybe, as in a fear that still sits critically and cynically pointing out all the ways things could go off the rails.  May be as a persistent prayer that keeps on saying, “And yet, God is up to something here.”  Maybe as in the cloud of unknowness.  May be God is in the messy, muddleness of life.  I also find the abrupt ending brings a smile to my face.  No easy resolution, because that is life here and now.

I think that Maybe and May Be are the twin themes of my life right now.  Maybe there are signs of hope with the vaccine and we may be starting to emerge from the cocoons of the past year.  Maybe there is new life and we may be starting to find new life from the womb of the last year.  Maybe our lives will continue to become and we may be finding God guiding us with a grace in the next right step.

Where is there maybe in your life?  And where do you find the may be right now softly whispering to you?

What does each word look like?  Or, better yet, what would it feel like?

What colors from your crayon box would you use to color this picture?  What words surface as you lean in and listen to this beautiful piece?  Feel free to post in the comments.

Prayer: Holy One, You met Elijah in a still small voice, in Your native language of silence, with the sound of his own breathing…meet us in the maybes and the may bes of our life today. Amen.

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