Tuesday, March 16, 2021

The Melody of Lent

All Your works with joy surround You, Earth and heav'n reflect Your rays,
Stars and angels sing around You, Center of unbroken praise;
Field and forest, vale and mountain, Flow'ry meadow, flashing sea,
Chanting bird and flowing fountain Praising You eternally!

Creation is God’s first testament.  You see, God, in the beginning didn’t decide to write a best-selling book, The Bible.  God wrote God’s love upon trees, flowers, oceans, carrots, sweet potatoes, chocolate, dogs and cats, elephants; the world testifies to God’s creativity.  Hymnologist (which is one of the best jobs ever!) Albert Bailey writes about our hymn this week, “Creation itself cannot conceal its joy, and that joy is appreciated by God the center of it all; likewise all nature fills us with joy, caused fundamentally by our recognition of God as the giver.”  We explored this yesterday, God is a “giver of immortal gladness” not just to us as humans but to all creation. 

I hear you saying, “But what about…”  One of the ways we are taught to think is to see the holes in others thinking.  We are taught to be critical and that the best/brightest are those who point out all the places where someone has said something less than brilliant.  I wonder if such critical thinking has left us cold and cynical?  In our efforts to deconstruct and dismantle the world, now all we have are the pieces of life scattered across the floor with no idea how to put things back together.  Like a kid who has taken apart a bicycle and can’t figure how to make it whole again.  When we constantly point out the flaws and fumbles, the less-than-perfectness, we realize nothing measures up. 

This cycle might not be healthy for our souls, especially when we are caught in either/or processes; especially when everything is rated and ranked in our world, especially when only winning matters.  The moment something or someone becomes number one, we start throwing stones.  I believe this hymn is right, that only creation can realign and restore our wounded spirits. 

Go outside today.  I realize depending on where you live, this might mean you need a warm coat.  Do it any way, even if it is for five minutes.  Just be, listen to the melody/music of the world.  The birds singing, squirrels scurrying, sprouts starting to burst/break through the soil, grass turning green.  Smell creation’s goodness.  You may even what to pick up some soil and dirt – because dirt has anti-depressants in it and dirt can help heal us.  What do you see, smell, hear, experience and encounter?  Don’t just listen to this hymn, but let it guide your living today.

Prayer: Help my life get caught up in the eternal praise of creation today!

P.S. Remember to post a joy in the comment section. 

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  God of words and wisdom that confound and comfort us, sometimes we feel both puzzled and want to praise at the same time, thank you for th...