Wednesday, February 17, 2021

Lent 1


Beginning of Lent

Today, we begin the season of Lent, which comes from the English word, lencten, meaning “spring season.”  Who says you don’t learn something reading these morning mediations! 

During Lent, I want to open our hearts to holy hymns that sing to our souls.  In particular, I want us to pray the words of our hymns.  You can pray by singing these words or listening to a version on YouTube (I have posted a link below).  I encourage you to listen several times today.

Which words or phrases calm you?  Why?

Which words or phrases leave you feeling restless? Why?

What memories does the hymn invoke or provoke from your heart?  You can always post a comment.

We start with one of my favorites, Guide Me, O My Great Redeemer (or Jehovah).  Here is the first verse to pay attention to:

Guide me, O my great Redeemer, pilgrim through this barren land; I am weak, but you are mighty; hold me with your powerful hand.  Bread of heaven; bread of heaven, feed me till I want no more, feed me till I want no more.

Lent is a season betwixt and between.  In many parts of the country, winter still has snow falling and piling up – thanks to the groundhog who saw his shadow a few weeks ago.  Lent says we are no longer at the start of something, but we haven’t arrived either.  We are in the messy middle, which sometimes can feel barren.  I think about the Iowa landscape I knew as a child covered in snow.  Or how the grass right outside my door in Florida is not a vibrant hue of green, but rather dull and drab.  When we have started something, but don’t see the finished line, we can feel vulnerable – or weak as the hymn preaches/proclaims.  In my weakness God meets me with bread, manna, to sustain me.  I pray that these daily devotionals as we focus on hymns will be like bread, manna, for your soul.  I am grateful for you to journey with this sacred season between what is known and the unknowable future.  I am grateful for the support and care.  I am grateful that at Christ’s table all are welcome and fed with more than a trace of grace we need every day.

Prayer: Guiding, grace-filled God ground me in Your love and sustain me with a presence that I can call, “Peace” every day during Lent, I pray. Amen.

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