Friday, December 25, 2020

Christmas Day


God of Goodness, we give you praise the light of your presence in the ordinary birth of the child. We give you praise that unobtrusively you are in the center of human affairs, involved in the struggle of life, and sharing human experience. We give you praise that out of compassion you take our part, and open to us a new way of life. We pray that this day we shall be able to see its true glory. - Caryl Micklem, Contemporary Prayers for Public Worship

I pray for God to meet you in the midst of your life today.

I pray for the holy to hover and hum in the midst of the less-than-perfectness of this Christmas; the could have beens and should have beens of this year.

I pray for hope of Christmas to be found in phone calls and Zoom calls and moments of connection that let us know that one of the most beautiful parts of humanity is sharing our support, care for each other, especially this year.

I pray for the peace of Christmas to be found in gazing at the lights on our tree, listening to music, quietly looking out at the world that is both familiar and strangely different. 

I pray for the love of Christmas to burn brightly within you and around you; to be renewed as the way God works and what God is up to.  Open us, O God to You as the composer and conductor of life.  Awaken us to join and lend our voice, actions and presence to Your sacred symphony.  Help us find the shepherd-like courage to tell the good news of great joy from the mountains.

I pray for the joy of Christmas to be found anew and afresh, especially in serendipitous and surprising ways on this day.  

Most of all, I pray that the mystery and marvel of Christmas would continue to ground and guide you every day this year and as a New Year dawns in one week.

Let the glory of God’s presence here and now shape our soul for the living out of these days.  Amen. – Rev. Wes Bixby, Christmas morning 2020

Merry Christmas and God's love to you~~

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