Friday, December 18, 2020

Advent Week Three: Love


And suddenly there was with the angel a multitude of the heavenly host, praising God and saying, “Glory to God in the highest heaven, and on earth peace among those whom he favors!”  Luke 2:14-15

Music is at the heart of this holy season.  This week I have quoted a few lines of Christmas carols.  As we wrap up this week, I want to share this beautiful Spiritual, “Rise up Shepherd and Follow”.  These words invite us into the movement of what God is up to.  A movement that starts within and flows forth from us.  Christmas has both an internal and external dimension.  Internally our hearts can be warmed by:

Christmas carols.



Ornaments that have our parent’s and grandparent’s DNA on them.

Lights glowing and glistening in the night.

Presents piled under the tree.

Hold the figures of the Creche/Nativity Scene in our hands to hear each figure’s story.

Please add to this list to what stirs your soul.

But our souls are not cul-de-sacs for the spirit.  What we feel internally longs to be shared with those around us. 

So we try to sing together, even if it is on mute on Zoom.

We mail cards.

We bake cookies to leave on someone’s doorstep.

We share the story of ornaments on Zoom.

We go out looking at lights.

We shop online.

We let the story of each figure in the Nativity speak to our story.

The movement of Christmas is both inward and outward.  We are the shepherds still called to rise up and follow.  Or as another great Christmas Spiritual sings out, “Children Go Where I send Thee.” (see below)

I pray today and in these last days before Christmas the Spirit will sing to your soul and your soul will sing out with a joyful shout that the world is about to change!

Prayer: May that last sentence, O God, be embraced and embodied in my life this day and week.  Amen. 

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