Friday, November 27, 2020

Thanksgiving Week Wrap Up

Morning Meditation ~

“I have spent my life watching, not to see beyond the world, merely to see, great mystery, what is plainly before my eyes. I think the concept of transcendence is based on a misreading of creation. With all respect to heaven, the scene of the miracle is here, among us.” Marilyn Robinson

We dove into this week with a prayer that we would describe and define the ways love walks into our lives every day.

We sought to be a detective of our own life, searching for detail upon detail of the divine dancing in our midst.

I pray the ordinary has become holy in some way this week. 

I pray that your list of encounters/experiences with love points toward what Marilyn Robinson is writing about above.

I pray that through your list of love you start to see the great mystery and know the sacred.

That you might know, not in the way of being able to study it scientifically like a butterfly.  Know deep within yourself a truth that you don’t need to cling to, because that truth clings to you.  Know not as some truth at arm’s length but knowing in a way that brings a smile to your face.

Suddenly, knowing isn’t only confined to what we comprehend, it is contained in our very being and body.  Knowing is when our head, heart, soul and whole life is playing in a symphony of the sacred – not only reading off the script of culture – or caught up in “us” verses “them” – but something else is at play here.

A holy play where we take our part of noticing the miracle of being here, with others, even in such a time as this.  A holy play that takes some leftover turkey, a bit of stuffing and cranberry sauces and says, “This is a holy feast where God is present.”  A holy play that says, “I didn’t get to be with my kids this Thanksgiving, but I got to see and hear them on Zoom or on the phone.  It wasn’t the same, but it was a blessing.”  A holy play that keeps inviting us to search for the sacred, which is always present.  May this practice of noticing and naming God’s love continue to guide you as we move into the last month of what has been a year!

Prayer: Let Your love loose in my life, O God.  Help me to notice.  Amen.

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