Wednesday, October 14, 2020

Open Hymnals Part 6


This morning, I want us to slow down and savor one single verse of a hymn, “Be Still, My Soul”.  The verse goes:

Be still, my soul: for God will undertake to guide in future days as in the past.  Your hope, your confidence let nothing shake; all now mysterious shall be clear at last.  Be still my soul: the waves and winds still know how Jesus’ power rule them long ago.

Truth be told, this is not one of my favorite hymns.  Some of the verses challenge me and certainly don’t align with my theology/understanding of God.  I don’t always think I should ‘bear patiently the cross of grief or pain,’ as the first verse of this hymn says.  Sometimes I need to be angry or cry or just grumble about how 2020 has left us all feeling exhausted.  I need to get that out, because pain that isn’t processed gets passed along.  Yet, sometimes my grumbling, griping takes me down a negative cycle where nothing is right and everything is wrong.  I see only the obstacles, not the opportunities.  I hope you see that hymn lyrics can awaken so much to talk about.

But the second verse above reminds me that God guides (which is a verb I really find helpful in thinking/talking about God) the future as God has down in the past.  You could lay the words above alongside the hymn, “O God our help in ages past” to see the way these two hymns sing to each other.  The verse goes on to remind me that my hope is built on nothing less that God’s love and all other ground is sinking sand.  And to be still in these days is a wonderful invitation.  It can be tempting to keep watching for the latest breaking news or constantly be in motion.  To stop, to be still, is what my soul needs to hear today. 

How does this hymn align with the hymn you are praying every day this week?  Where is there harmony in your prayer hymn and the one above?  Where is there dissonance?  Take time to read the lyrics both to the hymn you are praying and “Be Still, My Soul,” then be still to listen and let God move in your midst.

Prayer: Be still my soul and sing to me, O God, I pray. 

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