Friday, October 9, 2020

Open Hymnals Part 4


Only the Spirit’s power can fit us for this hour: come, Holy Spirit, come! Unite, instruct, inspire and fill us with your fire: come, Holy Spirit, come!  Let Every Christian Pray by Fred Pratt Green (#261 New Century Hymnal)

I pray this rhythm of leaning into and listening to hymns is meaningful and making a difference, especially because I am going to continue this series of Morning Meditations next week. I hope you just said, “Yay!!”

Two simple thoughts to wind down and wrap up this week. First, I love that the above hymn speaks of the Spirit as uniting, instructing, inspiring and filling. Notice that those are verbs. The Holy is not a noun, but an activity in our lives. The sacred is not something we can control, but seeks to conspire, collaborate in holy ways with us. When I say that hymns teach and tell us about God, it is verses like this that shine a light on this truth. If we ask, “What is God up to?” God is uniting, instructing, inspiring, and filling us in life-giving ways. Secondly, I wonder what would happen if over the next three days you prayed the above verse several times each day? How would these words work in your life to be in concert with the holy by returning to them prayerfully at regular intervals throughout the day?

What if we tried praying this verse three times today? Right now, at lunch, and in the evening. How do these words sound differently at 8 am when compared to 8 pm? Does the light of the day change how you experience the words? Do you find yourself hearing the words differently, especially when you return to them tomorrow...and the next day...and the day after that?

I invite us as a church to be open for the Spirit’s power, fitting us – forming us – shaping us – filling us for this hour. Right now. Right here. Come, Holy Spirit to inform and influence how we live and what we say this day.

Prayer: God, thank you for words this week from our prayer book/theological textbook/hymnal. Thank you for the authors whose words this week have caused our hearts to feel strangely warmed. Help us continue to sing, even to ourselves, with full voice and with open spirits. Amen.

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