Friday, August 28, 2020

Prayer Friday


God who crafts, creates, loves through words...
I am not sure what words I can borrow today to give expression to what is within me.
August is winding down and this year has felt so chaotic and uncertain.
Every choice felt like being between a rock and a hard place.
The word, "kerfuffle" comes to mind ~ only because it sounds less harsh and hard than all the words I hear tossed, thrown around right now.

God create in me a new heart that seeks healing.
God craft in me a new way that works through the wounded-ness of life.
God love through me to those I encounter everyday.

Where there is misunderstanding, grant me an openness and eagerness to listen.
Where there is tension, grant me a strength to lean in rather than run away.
Where there is joy, let me join in with laughter.
Where there is sorrow, let me be vulnerable to weep too.
Where there is peace, may I be still and not miss the holy moment.
Where there is beauty, let me do more than take a photo, help me enter fully.
Where there is work to be done, let me roll up my sleeves.
Where there is the gift of Sabbath, remind me that I am more than the sum of the things I have crossed off my to-do-list.

Hear my prayer, O God...these words...borrowed from Saints before by this beautifully imperfect person speaking them now.  Take my life, God, let it be blessed, held with hope, and sent out with love to live this day trusting that You are before/beside/behind/within/all around me.


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