Monday, August 24, 2020

Music Mondays


The opening chorus to the above song by Bryan Sirchio is the words slowly ~ savoring each one:

Dream God's dream
Holy Spirit, help us dream...
Of a world where there is justice, and where everyone is free
To build and grow and love
And to simply have enough
The world will change when we dream God's dream

Scripture is filled with dreamers.
Abraham and Sarah dreamed of a son.
Jacob dreamed of angels ascending and descending.
Joseph of many colored coat fame dreamed of his brothers bowing down to him (not the most humble dream!!)
The people of God in Egypt dreamed of freedom from oppression.
The people of God in Exile dreamed of freedom from oppression centuries later.
Prophets dreamed of lions and calves laying together; for justice rolling like an ever flowing stream.
Joseph had a dream to take Mary as his bride.
Peter had a dream that he should eat un-kosher food.

Scripture is filled with dreamers.

When did we stop dreaming?
Did the pandemic dampen our ability to see other ways?
Did the polarization cause us to throw our arms up in exhaustion or exasperation?
Did the ever present hatred that causes us to blame other make our dreams seem distant?

The cynics will say that dream won't ever come true.
Those who cling to the sharp shards of shattered dreams will tell you, "Don't even bother."

But I believe there is another way.
It starts with a naming what is in our hearts.
It is vulnerability open to the fact that along the way there will be bruises and brokenness ~ the dream may not play out the way you had scripted.
You grieve the moments the dream dims or seems like it will never happen.
You also search for the way the dream continually resurrects to new dimensions.

You see the way the dream starts off may not be the destination where you arrive.  
God's dream is less about a specific policy or practice or purpose and more about a way of being.
God's dream is a love that is expansive and inclusive and embracing.
God's dream is a place where all belong and are beloved.
God's dream is here and not-quite here yet.
So we keep dreaming.

I pray you will find that traces of God's grace every day this week in dreaming God's dream.

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