Wednesday, July 29, 2020

Word Wednesday

Today is my 1005 post to my blog, which brings me to the word for today, "numbers".  Numbers play such an interesting role in our lives.  On the one hand, we are fascinated about numbers.  We toss around statistics, we see how many new cases of COVID there are, political polls dominate our daily news we consume, or how many African-Americans have been killed when compared to white people.  You swim in a sea of numbers.  In the church, we are always talking about our budgets and membership.  Recently, we want to know how many people are viewing a worship service online or how much the new air conditioner cost.  

Yet for all the ways we are surrounded by numbers, their impact often doesn't leave a lingering impression.  We hear the number, what we remember is the emotion.  For example, the number of new coronavirus cases causes either fear or relief, and it is that sensations that stays with me.  Or I hear a statistic of how many people around the world are food insecure right now, and my heart breaks and I buy extra at the store to donate to the food pantry.  

While numbers have power, but it is really the power to evoke and awaken something within us.  Because at other times, a number doesn't cause much of a change as we rationalize why we should stay the course.  A doctor can give you your blood pressure number, tell you to change something, but so often we find that to be difficult.  Unless, someone you know has recently passed away because s/he didn't change.  But what is motivating your transition?  The number?  Or the story?  Or both?  

Notice today how often you interact with numbers.
Notice what stirs inside of you.
Notice when a number causes fear or excitement or blah...and ask why?

And may our prayerful reflections awaken more than a trace of God's grace.


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