Friday, July 24, 2020

Prayer Friday

After the sunset...the light still lingers, something still glows.
Even as the tides keep crashing softly on the sand.
Even as people pick up their chairs to head back to their cars.
Even as the event seems to be over, something still sticks around.

After the sunset...the peace within still persists.
Even as I start to walk back before it gets too dark.
Even as I leave that thin place where like Jacob I could proclaim, "God is here and I didn't know it."
Even as I go back to what is more familiar, something within still stirs.

After the sunset of this day...what has left an impression on my soul?
The good? 
The bad?
The ugly?
The hug...the heartbreak and soul ache...the frustration and funny and the futile that all get mixed into the batter of life this day.
The pause to breathe and the prayer I whispered and the moment I wish I could do over are all part of the recipe called, "Today".
The sun starts to rise on this new day...and in a few short hours it will set...some consistency in a world filled with chaos.
But how do I fill these hours and seconds?  What do I prioritize?  Who do I pour my energy upon?

Where we pour our energy is where we build our life.

O, God, I pray this day that I would direct my love and light toward that which creates beauty of a sunset and leaves a lingering light in this world You so love. 


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