Wednesday, June 24, 2020

Word Wednesday

When you make a commitment you build hope...when you keep a commitment you build trust.

Hope is future looking, but presently planted.  That is, realized that today doesn't need to be like yesterday and tomorrow can be new too.
Hope refuses to be controlled or contained by what is happening, rather doggedly searches for the possible.
Hope is a fuel that can fed our souls.
Hope is more in short supply than toilet paper was in March!

Hope gets this reputation of being Pollyanna or misplaced.
Hope gets ripped apart by people who have not processed their pain and want their misery to have your company. 
Hope is that sense that this world is going somewhere, while we get lost and take wrong turns and wind up changing a tire in a rain storm, the journey is one of grace.

Where do you sense hope within us?
Where do you find your mind offering evidence to contrary, claiming to be real?
What do you hope for?
What if you set your energy toward that?
Might this actually be what prayer is all about?  Letting loose our energy toward the possibility and promise of God moving in our midst.

Hope might not be the first words to describe our lives today...but hope might be the trace of grace we need to turn this day around.

Blessings ~~ 

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