Wednesday, March 25, 2020

It's Lent

In the midst of the day-to-day life, music helps to ground and guide me.  What I listen to shapes me.  What we hear impacts and influences each of us.

Music causes the neurons in our brain to spark and surge.  I feel that when I put on music to go for a run that has a good bass and beat.  I feel that when I listen to something that causes a smile to cross my face.  I feel that when a gathering of notes causes the stress in my shoulders to suddenly evaporate.

One piece of music that calm me is "I need thee every hour". 

Those five words might be the most basic prayer ever prayed.  I need God's presence every hour (actually every minute).  I need God's strength to surround enfold me and hold me.  It isn't just some nicety, God's presence is a necessity.  Yet, I can find myself getting so caught up in my to-dos that I miss moments of connecting with the One who activates and animates my life.  To be sure, I sense God's presence is always is just sometimes I am paying better attention. 

I sensed God this morning in a walk looking at the clouds.
I sensed God as I laughed with my wife.
I sensed God as I sat for a few moments petting my dog.

And all of that before 8 a.m.

The world is alive with the presence of God...every bush is burning with God's presence...but we don't turn or tune our lives that way.

I invite you to listen...lean into this version of the hymn letting it remind you of our prayer for God's presence every hour...and God's promise of presence every second in response.  May this offer more than a trace of God's grace for you.

Blessings ~~

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