Friday, March 20, 2020

It's Lent

One last time...let these words sing and settle and sink deep into your soul.
Let these words hold you close to God's presence.
Let these words invite you into a deeper sense of who and whose you are.

Please pray with me...

Still speaking, singing, swirling, and softly stirring God...thank you.
Thank you for ways You move in our midst.
From the first moments the sun peaks, peers over the horizon...
To the night time when we lay our heads down from a day filled with experience and encounters.
You are woven into our lives.

Thank you for this moment right now.
For the ways You saturate and soak right where we are as we read these words.

We do lay everything into Your hands.
We lay our thanksgivings for friends, family, moments of laughter, silent joys, and peaceful reassurances.
We lay the brokenness...the sharp shards of the shadow...and the comforts of sameness even when it hurts and harms us.
We lay the words we spoke that made a different.
We lay the words we said that we wish we had a rewind button.
We lay the actions that helped.
We lay the moments we stood silently on the sidelines.
We lay our whole lives trusting that You long for our fullest, deepest self to be caught up in You.

Help us continue to see that in You, through You, and with You we find meaning, life, hope, grace, and love that makes us whole and who we are.

Let us continue this season of Lent aware of traces of Your grace that makes all the difference and makes us different.


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