Friday, February 7, 2020

Things Noticed While Driving Today

These are a few of things noticed while driving today.

1. The brilliant red of the stop light as time seems to stand still waiting for the "go" of green.  I feel my shoulders tense and tighten wondering/worrying if I will be late as I try to breathe in to the count of four, hold my breathe for the count of five, and exhale to the count of six to calm down.
2. The sound of a good song coming from the radio that I instinctively turn up the volume and begin to drum the steering wheel off-beat along with the music.
3. The person in the car next to me staring intently forward as if willing the light to change using the Jedi mind trick.
4. The person bicycling on the road as I safely swerve to give the person more space to pedal.
5. The mother walking her daughter to the bus stop, carrying her "Paw Patrol" back pack in one hand and grasping her daughter's hand with the other. 
6. The world outside the wind shield rolling past ~ lives I might never intersect with but are inhabiting this spinning world alongside me.
7. The air freshener in my car with the scent of vanilla making me think of warm cookies.
8. The movement of my foot from the brake to the accelerator and how the movement of the car lurches forward as I make contact.
9. The sense of the unexpected...a bit like Captain Kirk going into the vastness of face.
10. The words of a mantra I have been repeating since January to keep me in the present moment  that goes like this, "Now.  Here.  This."  That the present moment is what we have (now), the call to be in this moment rather than the past or future (here), and that there is more than enough in this moment to fill my life (this).

What presence of the holy might you notice and name as you wander around the world today.

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