Wednesday, January 1, 2020

Wrapping Up: What Are You Seeing take Four

On this first day of a brand-new year, may the waves of God’s grace wash over the sands of your life in ways that renew.  Enter the prayer practice of Visio Divina either with words stirring or silence settling your soul.  Focus and frame this breath and the next breath with your hopes for this time.  

So, breathe and be.


What do you see in this photo above?

You can make a list of what literally is there.

You could write a story about what is metaphorically shining forth.

What thousand words might start to pour forth from you in this one picture?

May one of the words that settles and stirs in your soul be more than a trace of God's grace, hope, peace, love, and joy.

Blessings ~~

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