Monday, January 27, 2020

Around and Around

Spinning, swirling, still-singing-to-the-chaos God,
Sometimes life can feel like I am going in circles.
There are moments this is fun,
Laughter leaps from deep in my bones,
And escapes in giggles from my lips.

There are moments when the perpetual motion
tickles my tummy and I sway to the movement.

There are moments when I want to stop,
Raise my hand and shout,
"I want to give off this ride...

In the beginning You found creativity in the spinning circles of chaos.
You were willing to let your imagination dance.
You found ways to center Yourself even when the flow was ceaseless.

Help me do the same.
Help me know it is okay to enjoy the ride.
Help me find quiet centers.
Help me be okay when I need to exit for awhile to find steady, stable ground.

I pray that in You, O God, I would move and have my being.
I pray that in You, O God, I would find the calm, centering grace and moments of stillness.
I pray that in You, O God, there would be joy and quiet...
Excitement and quiet.
Moments when the wind brushes and rushes past my face.
Moments when the breeze and I take a break.

Center me...
Ground me...
Guide me...
On this world spinning at a thousand miles per hour.


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