Saturday, December 7, 2019

Week One Hope Summary

Take a moment to breathe and be...
Breathe and be...
Letting the lists that demand your attention be put on the sidelines for a few moments...
And letting that imagination of hope draw new possibilities for this day.

After a week of images and words, as each week closes, I want to offer space.

No images, except the ones roaming around your mind.

No more words, except these few in front of you.

Lots of space....

Space for you to create.

To reflect....

To fill in or leave empty.

What new insights into hope dance within you?

What new insights from focusing and framing are now accompanying you in the Advent journey this week?

What did you see in daily life this week that perhaps during previous weeks you might have missed?

What is within you right now?

Breathe and be in the sea of traces of God's grace and hope right now.

Blessings ~~

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