Friday, September 27, 2019

Soul-scape - Water

The clouds hovered and hung above swimming across the blue sky.
The rocks constantly covered with waves of water crashing down.
I stood my feet sinking into the sand letting the foamy water barely touch the tips of my toes.

Water above in the clouds with their .02 percent of water.
Water washing the rocks slowly shaping them over the centuries.
Water before me with a 100 percent wet ocean extending for miles.

Water to give life.
Water to renew...restore...refresh.
Water that awakens the deep within me to connect to the deep of the oceans before us.

Water does more than hydrate,
It teaches and tells us something valuable about ourselves.

We move, swim, around our lives.
We crash down sometimes in reacting to others who have pushed our buttons.
We barely are seen by someone else we pass quickly by.

Water is not only within us, it is us.
It is the way everything in our world works,
including us.

So may the baptismal waters wash over reminding you who and whose you are.
May the waters cause you to remember that in times of stormy surges, wrestling, God is still there.
May there be moments when you discover the calming seas that shape your soul in life giving ways.


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