Friday, August 30, 2019

Sabbath take Ten

I took this photo of rocks while on vacation in Alaska this year.  You will see more of the photos and I will reflect on rocks in posts coming up during Advent.  But I am fascinated by how often God is referred to as a "Rock and Refuge."  God as that solid and subtly shifting spirit in our lives.  God as taking different forms all at once.  If this God, perhaps Sabbath as our intentional relationship with God, would also reflect back the beautiful diversity of rocks. 

It is my prayer that over the last few weeks prayerfully pondering Sabbath has offered you a spacious place to reflect.  It is my deeper prayer that you have experienced and embodied Sabbath in your life.  That you have not only words to describe and define, "Sabbath", but more importantly, ways to live this holy invitation.

That you will continue to build upon the rocks of Sabbath.  That you will be playful in your relationship with God.  God is not always serious and somber on the Sabbath. God is playful and loves to laugh with you as you rest in God. 

Because I believe laughter is a holy prayer to is one of my favorite comedians doing a short stand up routine.

May you have found more than a trace of God's grace today and these last ten posts.

Blessings ~~

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