Friday, April 26, 2019

Easter-ing promise!

It has been a blast and blessing playing with words over the last several weeks.  I have loved the way the words of intersected and informed and inspired.  I have loved that we got to continue this for a few more days, using Easter-ing and practicing resurrection as a bridge.


There comes a time when it is good to cease, stop...for awhile.

There comes a time when it is good to start in new directions.

Now is that time.

It is my deep prayer that the words over these last few weeks have sparked and caused the spirit to swirl.
I pray you have written poems...found connections to your life...or maybe even now have a story to share.
I write these posts because I love to create...
I love tossing and throwing things out into the universe to see if there is an echo.
It can feel often like nailing Jell-O to the wall. 
But the fun and joy is in the prayerful/playful effort.
The fun and joy is feeling the surge of the Spirit motivating and moving me.
The fun and joy is that for me...these posts are one way I practice resurrection with you.

What brings you joy?

When you were five years old, went running and racing to be with friends, what brought you joy?

Why do we define, "Adulting" in such joy-negating ways?

Can we recapture that joy is part of the recipe for life today?  Yes there is struggle and suffering.  Yes Good/God's Friday still happens and knocks unwelcome on our door.  Yes, I, too, was taught and told delay gratification.  No fun until homework is done.  No dessert until you are a member of the clean plate club. you have somehow earned it and we will keep that carrot just out of your reach.

Joy is not a something we need daily.

That is where we will be heading...and it might just have something to keep informing how we practice resurrection and Easter in the world today. 

I believe there will be more than a trace of God's grace as we turn toward joy in the days to come.

Blessings ~~ 

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