Friday, March 29, 2019

Lenten Words

This week we have been letting this list of words guide us through this sacred season of Lent...

13.  Grace
14.  Faith
15.  Crawl
16.  Walk
17.  Run
18.  Purple
19.  Party

Maybe you have found ways to converge and combine this random list into a sentence or sentiment of the sacred?

Perhaps something like...
When the color purple crossed and crawled into my vision,
I slowed my usual frenzied pace of always feeling like I'm running behind.
Walking...strolling...sauntering...until I stood still.
If faith threw a party maybe it would put up purple streamers.
If grace showed up at your house, would it be wearing a purple hat?
Or maybe red...and green...and blue...because God's loves to color with all the crayons in the box.
So, here I stand...color purple joining me on the walk of life and maybe reminding me that
I don't have to race/run.
To slow so that life isn't so blurry.
And the color purple can join in the party.

As we cross the threshold of the halfway point of is the next list of words for you to hold lightly and let sing to your life:

20.  God
21.  Jesus/Christ
22.  Spirit
23.  Trinity
24.  Friends
25.  Strangers
26.  Efficient 

Here is my invitation...rather than trying to describe or define each of these words...maybe this week you want to find a hymn that might point toward each of these words.  No one hymn can ever completely capture...but maybe in these Lenten days...the hymn that stirs within you might point to this holy moment. 

Happy leafing through your hymnal.  And may there be more than a trace of God's grace in this holy moment.

Blessings ~~ 

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  God of words and wisdom that confound and comfort us, sometimes we feel both puzzled and want to praise at the same time, thank you for th...