Wednesday, March 13, 2019

Lenten Words

So in the last post we played around the threads that tie and tether together these words:

1.   Ashes
2.   Dark
3.   Light
4.   Creating/Creativity/Crafting
5.   Forgiveness

What is stirring and swirling within you as that post settles in?

What new ideas or insights were awoken?

Was there any resistance or rejection or just plain, "But I don't wanna!"?

Did you discover any distinctiveness or difference with each word?  Any new connections or collaboration with these five words?

Another way to link the five words would be the creation narratives of Genesis 1 and 2.  In the beginning there was chaos and God together.  There was a sloshing sea of atoms swirling around that was disorganized and disheveled and dissonance dancing with the divine.  Just to be clear, that wasn't necessarily bad.  Sometimes the messy mud of life might be preparing for something new.  Because matter can not be created or completely destroyed, the ashy atoms of life are constantly shifting ~ changing forms.  Sometimes that dissonant chord needs to keep being played unresolved.  Sometimes the darkness lingers so that we can see the stars of night...and their beautiful light better.  Sometimes our creativity comes not only when the sun is out and joy comes easy.  The darkness, the muddiness, the messiness can help us too.  Sometimes forgiveness need not only be a word saturated and soaked with guilt...but forgiveness can free us and others from the chains that are holding us back.

See the way that a few words create a cathedral for you to dwell in?  See the way that a few words, playing with them, can set in motion a train you never thought you would board?

Keep dancing with the divine with these words...especially if you can't quite seem to find connections... because maybe there is something lingering in the small space in-between these five words that only you can sense.

May there be more than a trace of grace in that child-like exploration for you.

Amen ~~

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