Wednesday, February 20, 2019

Meeting Matthew Again...Anew

“Come to me, all you that are weary and are carrying heavy burdens, and I will give you rest.  Take my yoke upon you, and learn from me; for I am gentle and humble in heart, and you will find rest for your souls.  For my yoke is easy, and my burden is light.”  Matthew 11:28-30

I find it fascinating the different ways people learn.

Some learn through music...the rhythm gets the synapse of the brain stirring and swirling, leaving an impression.

Others learn by visuals...which is why I try to find a catching graphic.

Others learn by reading...which is what this blog is.

Others by doing...and hopefully there are some insights and ideas that speak to your life or something awoken within you as you read.

I think I learn by mistakes...getting it wrong before I ever get it right.

Jesus says, "Come."  It is invitational, especially to those who felt weighted down.  One of the struggles of the church today is the emphasis on what you believe rather than how or ways your belief is evolving and expanding.  When we think that Jesus came only to arrange the mental furniture in our minds, we might miss the point.

Remember the last post about what Jesus did?  I think that is intentional on Jesus' part.  Jesus names and claims...invites us to notice what he does...before he invites us to take on the yoke. 

Yet, I would question whether it is easy or light.  To reach out to the least and lonely in our world today is not without its struggles.  To stand with our African-Americans who continue to be profiled by police and suspended from schools at a higher rate. To stand with those whose bodies are not often featured on the cover of magazines because of disabilities or weigh or s/he doesn't conform to the ideals of beauty. To stand with our LGBTQ community who are still struggling not be seen as fringe but fully created in the image of God.

Which reminds me that most often we learn when we listen to others.  I love Bible Study conversations because someone always says something that I had never seen before or raises a point that never crossed my mind.  I love to hear where people wrestle and where they need to stay comfortable right now because to change a perspective just feels too difficult or dangerous.  I love that the Bible was not ever about one response...but all our responses.  We need more people engaging and offering what they are seeing and hearing. 

So, when I hear another's perspective, it is like a yoke I can try on...sometimes it works, fits.  Other times I am glad the person had the space to speak the truth deep within.  No matter what, there is always a trace of God's grace when we have a chunk of unhurried time to be and breathe together.  May you find more than just a few moments like that this week.

Blessings ~~

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