Wednesday, February 13, 2019

Meeting Matthew Again...Anew is it with your soul?

Have you had a few moments so far to move at the speed of your soul?

And by soul...I don't mean some organ that is located to the left of your kidney...I mean that sense of being that grounds your whole mind, heart, and body.  I mean that which surrounds you.  One of my favorite quotes right now is, "God is the One whose center is everywhere and whose circumference is nowhere."  So, our soul, is to reflect that truth...your center is where you are and your circumference continues to expand and evolve...just like the universe/star dust and soil which is what we are made of and who we are.

Right after Jesus advocates for time to connect and center in God, he starts talking about giving alms.  "So whenever you give alms, do not sound a trumpet before you, as the hypocrites do in the synagogues and in the streets, so that they may be praised by others. Truly I tell you, they have received their reward. But when you give alms, do not let your left hand know what your right hand is doing, so that your alms may be done in secret; and your Father who sees in secret will reward you." 

First, it is a leap to go from talking about the state/speed of our souls to our wallets and check books.
Second, now I totally feel bad that I had that trumpet play the last time I put my money in the offering plate...little did I know Jesus would frown at that.

The deeper challenge in all of this, is that this challenges, even critiques, so much of modern day ways of fundraising.  We have walls dedicated to people who have given donations, pages in the back of theater productions listening patrons...often starting with the thousands of dollars mark...brass plaques around the church.  And honestly, does Jesus not realize, I am dependent on this system, broken it may be?  Could we maybe celebrate just a little Jesus, my pension is at stake here?  And how can my left hand not know what my right is doing?  That just seems plain strange.

Jim Wallis at Sojourners Magazine has often said that both the federal and our own personal budgets and check books are ethical documents. More and more today, you can tell what people value by where they give money.  Is having a little recognition okay?  Why the anonymous gift?  Why the mystery?

Perhaps it is because, as Jesus says in just a few verses later (Matthew 6:21), for where your treasure is, there your heart will be also.  Great theme for a stewardship campaign, hard to live day-by-day, especially after the Superbowl with its blitz of commercials.  Especially on the eve of Valentine's Day and we want to surprise someone we love with a token.  Especially in a world where we think nothing of paying five or ten dollars for a cup of coffee. 

Just like with prayer, I am not sure the church has always helped people clarify their values and treasures.  Rather, we make a case why the church has value and should be a place for your treasure.  But what Jesus is saying here is that one of the most prayerful things we might do is share our resources of talent and time and treasure with others.

Maybe it is in the sharing that we sense a deeper dimension to our soul...if we listen.
Maybe it is in taking the time to listen and be open...that we find a trace of God's grace leading us.

Blessings ~~ 

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