Friday, January 11, 2019

Meeting Matthew Again...Anew

If you keep reading in Matthew 2, you will encounter Mary and Joseph fleeing from Herod's fear based policy causing hurt and harm to all infants. 

Mary and Joseph save Jesus' life...God's life...continue the promise of Emmanuel (God with us and for us).

Which brings me to this question:

What is bringing you life right now? 

Here we are eleven days into a new year.  While your diet program might be struggling.  I mean really, why doesn't water taste more like chocolate?  Or why can't chocolate have zero calories?  Or maybe you are clinging to your other resolutions like hanging from the top ledge of a 10 story building.  The question, what is bringing you life might just help.

What brings me life is: family, friends, laughter, writing, and music.  So, let me share some music today from the Piano Guys.  I pray it brings you more than a trace of grace.  Blessings ~~

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Sermon Talk Back

  For the last several weeks we have strolled, and sometimes stumbled, through the Sermon on the Mount.   We have encountered passages that ...