Wednesday, September 26, 2018



There is an advertisement on the radio right now that in a cheery voices proclaims, "Being busy is good.  You are getting things done.  Checking things off your to-do list."  It then goes on to say that because you are so busy, you don't have time for don't worry this particular place will help you out...because everyone needs help.  So just stay busy...that isn't the problem...the problem is this body that needs food.  But don't worry the cheery voice and food place has your back.


What does that word awaken within you?

Maybe the cliche that if you rest you rust.
Maybe it makes you wonder if you are being lazy.

As a self-identified Type A person, I know that it is easy to push myself.  Just one more thing...just more box to check...maybe if I get that thing moved from "to do" to "to done" I will feel better.  Only once you get it are tired and another two things just appeared on your "to do" list.  How did that happen??


In the beginning, God crafted and created for six days, then ceased to work...paused...rested.  That is an incredibly challenging image.  God what is our excuse?  Created in God's image means that we can find God's grace not only when we create...but when we stop. 


Explore what it means to stop moving.
Stop checking emails or social media.
Take time to breathe and be.

By the rest of God find you sitting in the sacred each day this week, discovering more than a trace of God's grace.

Blessings ~~

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