Friday, September 7, 2018

Prayer and Poem

I was recently reading something for a friend, when a hymn popped into my head that has been stuck on repeat and replay all week long.  What I was reading was about how the world is changing and by default the church has to change too.  The hymn that was playing over and over again is the one below:

In the Midst of New Dimensions

Words and Music by Julian Rush (1985)

In the midst of new dimensions, in the face of changing ways. Who will lead the pilgrim peoples wandering in their separate ways?

 [Refrain] God of rainbow, fiery pillar, leading where the eagles soar, We your people, ours the journey now and ever, now and ever, now and ever more.

Through the flood of starving people, warring factions and despair,Who will lift the olive branches? Who will light the flame of care?

As we stand a world divided by our own self seeking schemes, Grant that we, your global village might envision wider dreams

We are man and we are woman, all persuasions, old and young, Each a gift in your creation, each a love song to be sung.

Should the threats of dire predictions cause us to withdraw in pain, May your blazing phoenix spirit, resurrect the church again.

I invite you to listen to the music and sing along:

As these words wash over you...what do you hear?
Which verses or words leap off the page or strangely warm your heart?
Why might you think this is?

May your reflections prompted by this hymn be for you a prayer and for you more than a trace of God's grace in these days.

Blessings ~~

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