Wednesday, August 15, 2018

Poem, Prayer, Praise

What comes to your mind when you hear the word, "Prayer"?  Perhaps bowing your head?  Perhaps some pastor droning on and on...because let's face it...the person already had a sermon...isn't that enough?  Perhaps it is uncertainty or confusion.

Who taught you to prayer?
Was it formal or informally watching your grandmother read scripture silently with a peaceful gaze in her eyes?

Prayer is as diverse and unique as our fingerprint.  I could no more describe all the multitude of ways to prayer even if I posted another 500 blogs on this topic.  Prayer is dynamic and does something to us.  Prayer invites us to enter into a relationship with God...a unending conversation.  Notice that if Prayer is about a connection to you and some point you need to hush and let God get a word in edge wise.

So how is your prayer life right now?

Mine ebbs and flows.  There are moments I take time for a few days to silence my soul steeped in the sacred.  Then there are days when I rush and race around essentially saying to God, "Just try to keep up, would you?"  While I know the quote from Martin Luther, "I am so busy today, I must pray twice as much!"  I don't live that wisdom very well.  The external to-do list over-shadows the internal call to connect.

Where have you felt the sacred as close as your next breath?

For me, it is usually outside in creation.  I am considering exploring this more during my sabbatical next stay tuned. 

For me, it is in worship on Sunday morning.

For me, it is sitting still for a few moments so my soul can breathe.

For me, it is staying open to the many ways God is moving...paying attention.

For me, it is being honest about places where I sense happiness as well as times of difficulty (see the poem from the last post).

How would you describe prayer?
What words leap from your heart?
What definitions leave you wanting because sometimes when focusing on a tough topic, we need to start with what it is not to open us to our own insights/ideas about what it is.

I pray today you will prayerfully ponder these words...not because they are great...but because connecting with the One who is our source/ground of being can often open us to more than a trace of God's grace.

With great hope and many blessings ~~

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