Friday, June 8, 2018

Prayer from the Small Space

God in the small spaces of our lives,
Keep writing new stories.
In the margins make room for new voices.
In-between words;
In-between the distance between our
Travel, traverse that distance, now we pray, O God, with a creative wisdom we all need.

We are in awe that all You need is a small space to awaken Your new ways.
We are in awe that all You need is thirty seconds of silence for us to stop.
Really stop.
All our to-do lists;
And monologues;
And litanies of what we want You to do.
So that You might get a word in edgewise.
Or even just sit with us in silence, in the word beyond words.
In the small space.

This is where we long to meet You.
This is where You promise to meet us.
May that small space be now as our eyes scan these words.
May that small space linger as we click over to check the weather; the news; social media.
Always realizing that it might not be in what we are reading,
But what is hidden in plain sight of the margin where You are.

Guide our

Being there to pause in more than a trace of Your grace this day.


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