Sunday, February 18, 2018

Lent One ~ Gospel of Disney

Part of what captures and captivates me about Disney is the imagination.  C.S. Lewis once wrote, "But some day you will be old enough to start reading fairy tales again."  We need space and a place for engaging laughter and imagination and dreams.  Perhaps this Lent you can take time to laugh.  I know this may sound odd in a season that has become defined and distinguished by being serious and somber, but I do believe God laughs with us...that laughter itself can be a prayer.  Our imaginations can help open us to new ways to engage and encounter God whose creativity is still speaking/singing/ crafting and creating.  Our dreams...well dreams are God's territory.  Think of Joseph of many color coat fame who can interpret dreams.  Think of Joseph Jesus' father who dreams a dream of taking Mary as his wife.  Think of Peter on a roof seeing a vision of a buffet of off-limits animals coming down on a blanket.  These dreams of God are always expanding and encouraging us to do the same.

Laughter as a prayer.
Imagination as a place to encounter God.
Dreams as a territory of experiencing our expansive God.

What ways can you lean into and learn from these truths?
Who helps you laugh?
What ignites your imagination?
Where do dreams grow legs to go to new places?

I pray these questions might open you to more than a trace of God's grace in these Lenten days.  Please pray with me.

God, thank you for the sound of laughter that surrounds us and can sustain us.
Thank you for ways we can dream new dreams.
Thank you for ideas that stretch the boundaries of what we think is off-limits.
We pray You would continue to move in our midst.  Enter in with contagious joy, with animals that have giraffe necks and owl wings, with ideas about what might until in the remaining days.  If Easter is an awakening to new life here and now, then we can laugh ~ even if others see us as foolish.  We can believe to look for life where others only see death.  We can follow One who was not just resuscitated, but resurrected to show us that matter matters to You, O God.  Come, O God, come with a grace, love, peace and presence we need in these days.  Amen and Amen. 

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